On Demand Video Library is here!

45 minute “journey” around Hips, Core, Twists!
A round about way to get to one of my favorite postures: ARDHA MATSYANDRASANA. Better known as Seated Spinal Twist. It’s what Yoga is notorious for: Making oneself into a pretzel. And in that way, carving out space for the Mind + Body to Relax!

45 minute play: Ice-Skating on Awareness
In the Winter, the outer hips get tight. Well, everything gets tight! Use this class as your go-to to stay Long, Open, and Limber yet Strong in your center.

75 minutes to Peace! Restore Your Core
Get to know yourself deeply in this powerful however gentle class. We'll be working the Pelvic Floor (Mula Bandha) and then moving to align the shoulders and hips with our trusty Yoga belt!

Special 1 hr Winter Flow Open, Contain, Protect - Repeat.
Journey into yourself. Draw your attention inward by paying attention to what your body is communicating to you while practicing. We'll be using 2 Blacks and a Yoga Strap/Belt.

75 min Aligned Flow peaking to Camel Pose: USTRASANA
A step by Step approach to LEARNING This powerful yet challenging Posture. Once you are able to practice this posture in this way, you will feel like you have climbed a Mountain!

Circumference of Ribs and Hamstrings
The class intention set up toward finding width and space along he ribcage and opening up the hips evenly to prepare the body for KROUNCHASANA - heron pose!

Yummy Side Body + Hip Opening
Open up the Side Channels of your body with this strong yet approachable class.

Prepping the Body for Fall!
Heading into Fall can be tricky on the body, mind, and nervous system, Gibe yourself the chance to acclimate to the cooler climate as you start prepping the body for colder temps!

Get rid of Your Slouch! (ouch?)
30 minute Workshop style class to target your Upper Thoracic Spine and bonus Hip Flexor (fronts of thighs) opening in preparation for URDVHA DANURASANA: Upward facing BOW, Baby!
props needed: 2 blocks, a towel or blanket

Plant a NEW TREE - Firm your foundation in a different way.
A combination of hip opening, side body lengthening, and chest opening to find your way into a new kinda VRKSASANA: Tree Pose

Gentle Cooling + Hamstring + Hip Mobility
A restorative class for your senses and mental well being. Please have a blanket, your blocks and a belt handy and nearby
Pacifying Hip Opening
A grounding practice to feel Light, even, and balanced! Featuring USTRASANA (Camel pose) + ARDHA KAPOTASNA (half pigeon pose) and much more!