On Demand Video Library is here!

45 minute play: Ice-Skating on Awareness
In the Winter, the outer hips get tight. Well, everything gets tight! Use this class as your go-to to stay Long, Open, and Limber yet Strong in your center.

Special 1 hr Winter Flow Open, Contain, Protect - Repeat.
Journey into yourself. Draw your attention inward by paying attention to what your body is communicating to you while practicing. We'll be using 2 Blacks and a Yoga Strap/Belt.

75 min Aligned Flow peaking to Camel Pose: USTRASANA
A step by Step approach to LEARNING This powerful yet challenging Posture. Once you are able to practice this posture in this way, you will feel like you have climbed a Mountain!

Yummy Side Body + Hip Opening
Open up the Side Channels of your body with this strong yet approachable class.

Plant a NEW TREE - Firm your foundation in a different way.
A combination of hip opening, side body lengthening, and chest opening to find your way into a new kinda VRKSASANA: Tree Pose
Pacifying Hip Opening
A grounding practice to feel Light, even, and balanced! Featuring USTRASANA (Camel pose) + ARDHA KAPOTASNA (half pigeon pose) and much more!

Prep for Bird of Paradise: SVARGA DVIJASANA
Step into and steep yourself into the challenge and focus of this exciting and rigorous posture.
~75 minutes

Shoulder mobility + stability
A Radical and Specific way to open up your shoulders with attention to how your arm bones work in your shoulder socket. Please have at least 1 block and a belt handy.
45 mins

Essential + Well Rounded
"Just what the doctor ordered!" - A general yet effective class to open and align the mind + body to face the day - or round off your day after work and before dinner.

Core Stabilizing + Strengthening
Utilizing different postures to develop awareness throughout the circumference of the mid section topped off with building strength into Vasisthasana - Side Plank!