OnDemand Library
Welcome to Yoga with Shireen’s OnDemand Library!
Please take your time to practice these classes - you can pause, study, replay the practice at your own pace. I hope it is a helpful resource for you.
Gentle Flow
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Align + Flow
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Pacifying Hip Opening
15 -30 minute Workshop style videos!
Learn the how-to’s/nuts and bolts to arrive in specific shapes and postures .
These videos’ primary focus is to teach you how to target specific areas of your body and mind.
PLEASE make sure to warm up a bit before beginning.
30 minute Workshop style class to target your Upper Thoracic Spine and bonus Hip Flexor (fronts of thighs) opening in preparation for URDVHA DANURASANA: Upward facing BOW, Baby!
props needed: 2 blocks, a towel or blanket