Want to practice Yoga in a heavenly Fall Foliage setting, surrounded by Quintessential N.E. ambiance?
Yoga. Art. Connection.
Join me here.
I combine my dual passions for
Teaching Yoga + Textile Design.
With daily Yoga practice my mind becomes a blank slate for my imagination to spark the flames of creativity. With that spark, the possibilities are endless. Alongside teaching Yoga, I create one-of-a-kind hand dyed silk scarves.
My two passions ignite the whole of me.
“yogas citta vritti nirodaha: Yoga is defined by finding cessation from the fluctuations of our mind-stuff. ”
Yoga with Shireen
Yoga is a personal practice. Yoga does not judge you for your abilities or lack there of. It is a gateway to something greater than one’s physical being. Yoga can heal, if you allow yourself to be open, become vulnerable, and to trust your teacher and more importantly, yourself.
The trust develops with the relationship you have with your teacher and yourself.
just be you.
“I am a yoga teacher and I tend to be picky about who I take my own practice with. I can say wholeheartedly, and without reservation, that Shireen’s classes are magnificent! Her sequencing is surprising and unique. She has a mastery of language and cueing that is rare in yoga instruction. When Shireen’s class is over I feel balanced, hopeful and deeply relaxed.
“Yoga With Shireen” is five star yoga!
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ”
Shireen Scarf Studio
With the Pandemic having squeezed my teaching into my living room/studio space, I have been forced to come face to face with the inexplicable blending of my Yoga and Creative life. Most of the scarves I make are actually purchased by my students or people who have some spiritual practice or appreciate what it takes to create one-of-a-kind hand dyes scarves.
In the browsing mood?
“Each scarf by Shireen is an extraordinary work of art, with luscious colors, inspired designs, and top quality materials. I’ve purchased them for myself and as gifts for others, and I couldn’t be happier with them. These gorgeous scarves have a way of turning an ordinary outfit into something unique.”